Mila H. is a high school junior from Hoboken New Jersey who has had a passion for rock climbing since she was 7 years old. She turned that passion into a wonderful program called Climbing for Community which partners with the boys and girls club to make the lif-changing benefits of rock climbing accessible and inclusive to underserved young people in her community.
Learn more and follow at @ClimbingforCommunity
The gym where Climbing for Community holds classes is
Ike O. is a teen from Connecticut who harnassed her passion for baking into a social enterprise that raises funds for organizations in her...
It's not often that I am given the opportunity to share an episode to correspond with the launch of an important project! My guests...
In celebration of World Kindness Day on November 13th, this episode features Connor W., a 14-year old from Massachusetts who started Connor's Kindness Project...