Ashley N, is a highschool junior from Kentucky who started a nonprofit called Sargeant's Army which provides toiletry kits and outerwear for people experiencing homelessness and living marginally, especially our honored veterans. She's also a six time children's book author who donates 100% of the proceeds from her books back to her nonprofit.
Learn more at
Follow Ashley at @sargeantsarmy and @itsashleynevison
You can't turn on the news these days without hearing about the election coming up this Fall. The national and local elections are so...
After 37 episodes, 2000 downloads and listeners in 15 countries, I'm delighted to share this wrap up episode on which I interview Ian Sandler,...
Follow Maya as she works toward her goal of recording 300 interviews! Check out Maya's interviews on her YouTube channel @popstarextraordinairemaya and follow her...