Latest Episodes

Sylvie S.: Philanthropic Giving and Mentorship
Sylvie S. is a New York City teen who is passionate about philanthropy and mentorship. She is an enthusiastic leader in PACT - the...

C.J. M.: Blankies for My Buddies
CJ. is a big-hearted 15-year-old from Atlanta who turned a personal tragedy into an incredible purpose, providing blankets for people who are dealing with...

Daisy H.: Including You
Daisy H., a 13-year-old 9th grader from NYC, started Including You to create a community of learners and to promote friendship and inclusivity. If...

Noah R.: Monarch Defenders
I hope today's episode will inspire you to become a Monarch Defender and to do all you can to help or planet and to...

Jacoby K.: Finance for Athletes
Today we will learn about financial literacy with Jacoby K., a high school senior from New Jersey. Jacoby was inspired to create a financial...

Hailey R.: Kid Caregivers
Hailey R. is a big-hearted teen whose mission is to help kids who have a family member with Alzheimer's. Her work is inspired by...