Laila L. is a 10th grader from New York City passionate about dance and movement. Harnassing her interest in coding and legal studies, she is creating a nonprofit called Arts on Pointe to provide dance programs for underserved children and teens in her community. Stay tuned for social media and website information which are still under development. Laila mentions a mentorship program called Curious Cardinals that has helped her realize his vision.
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Ayana B. is passionate about understanding the human heart, and raising awareness about cardiovascular health. She created Ligh on the Heart, a nonprofit dedicated...
Happy Earth Month! I'm excited to share this conversation with a truly unique young man from Ohio. Te"Lario W. is a teen with a...
Welcome to the premier of Season 2! This episode, featuring Krish S. and his fantastic organization Power of Pawns, is the perfect way to...