Latest Episodes

Avery K.: Love Carries On
Avery K. is an energetic 15-year-old with ambitious goals, big dreams, and a heart for service. She started Love Carries On which provides duffle...

Charlie, Alexa and Jack: MyFi
Charlie, Alexa, and Jack are high school seniors from New York City who have created a very special model of microfinancing for macro impact....

Maya A.: The Latest News With Maya
Follow Maya as she works toward her goal of recording 300 interviews! Check out Maya's interviews on her YouTube channel @popstarextraordinairemaya and follow her...

Zachary L.: Philanthropy4Technology
The pandemic certainly put a spotlight on educational disparities and the digital divide in the United States and around the world. Zachary L., a...

Ava S.: Ava Claus and Friends
It's the giving season and I'm delighted to share a special HOLIDAY edition of the podcast! Ava S. was only 6 years old when...

Zach G.: Talk with Zach
Zach G. is a thoughtful, insightful teen who believes that we should engage in meaningful conversations about tough mental health issues. He created a...