Latest Episodes
Alex & Arabella: Wikivision
Inspired by the vision of tomorrow, Wikivision is an organization created by two teens in Hawaii providing cataract surgery to elderly people who cannot...
Jack D.: Kid Conservationist
Every person who has ever been fascinated by an orangutan (or an ape, or gorilla or other amazing large primate) in the zoo will...
Ike O.: Community Cookies
Ike O. is a teen from Connecticut who harnassed her passion for baking into a social enterprise that raises funds for organizations in her...
Austin P.: Save Our Salmon Through Art
Austin is an artist and community organizer who believes in the power of public art to activate community members and neighbors around important causes....
Holly and Jessie: Ta Ta For Now
Did you know that 2 in 5 children cannot properly dress themselves? And that lack of clean clothes is one of the top reasons...
Krish S.: Power of Pawns
Welcome to the premier of Season 2! This episode, featuring Krish S. and his fantastic organization Power of Pawns, is the perfect way to...