Natasha A: BelieveNBooks

October 18, 2023 00:12:44
Natasha A: BelieveNBooks
Simple Acts, Big Impact
Natasha A: BelieveNBooks

Oct 18 2023 | 00:12:44


Hosted By

Natalie Silverstein, MPH

Show Notes

October is National Book Month, and to celebrate, we are amplifying the story of Natasha A., a high school student from Florida who started BelieveNBooks during the pandemic. Natasha has collected and distributed over 75,000 and hopes to distribute 100,000 by the time she finishes high school. Natasha shares her love of books with children in her community so that every child can find the joy of reading and exploring different worlds.

If you'd like to learn more or donate, check out her website at or follow on IG @believenbooks

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